Slides fra Årsmødet 2025:
Susanne Halken: Allergi Insektsstik
Slides fra Årsmødet 2024:
Nicholas Brodszky: Immundefekt
Bo Chawes: Astma hos børn
Abstract præsenteret på Årsmødet 2024:
Julie Kyvsgaard: Burden and subtypes of early-life infections increase the risk of asthma and adverse lung function
Tamo Sultan: Levels of total IgE vs. specific IgE during childhood for defining and predicting TH2-high astma
Trine Mølbæk-Engbjerg: Deep clinical, exposome, and multi-omics assessments of the Danish COPSAC2000 birth cohort at age 18 years
Anne Katrine Bak Poulsen: Feasibility of Assessing the abnormal Paediatric Airway using Rotational Optical Coherence Tomography – The OCT Air Study
Nicklas Brustad: Urban metabolic and airway immune profiles increase the risk of infections inearly childhood
Rie Daubjerg: Normal Saline for children with bronchiolitis
Lotte Fulgsang Larsen: Patient Reported Outcome Measurement in children and adolescents with Tracheomalacia and Esophageal Atresia
Sophie Felding Goul: Prevention of respiratory tract infections and asthma wheezing in Danish Children
Laura Marie Hesselberg: Sex differences in childhood asthma are driven by a T2-high phenotype and mediated through sex hormone metabolites
Præsentationer til Årsmøde 2022
Prof. Susanne Halken: EAACI Food Prevention Guideline
Prof. Martin Metz : Chronic urticaria
Abstracts til Årsmøde 2022
Anne Katrine Bak Poulsen: Feasibility of optical CT in pediatric airways
Rikke Sandvik: Bacterial detection with a new sensitive method in children with cystic fibrosis
Laura Marie Hesselberg: Gender Differences, Determinants, and Association between Handgrip Strength and Measures of Lung Function in Childhood
Rikke Sandvik: Longitudinelle lungefunktionsmålinger med SF6 gasudvaskning hos børn med cystisk fibrose i alderen 0-4 år
Rikke Sandvik: Sammenligning af N2 og SF6 gasudvaskning hos raske samt spæd- og småbørn med cystisk fibrose
Julie N. Kyvsgaard: Patterns and predictors of daily asthma-like symptoms during early childhood
Harice N Cömert: Respiratory viruses over a one-year-period in 0-3-year old children with cystic fibrosis
Signe Kjeldgaard Jensen: Limited role of eosinophils in pre-school atopic disease: a prospective mother-child cohort study
Rikke Sunde: Neonatal Endotyping of Childhood Asthma. Clinical Follow-Up During 18 Years
Professor Anette Kjeldsen præsentation om næseproblemer hos børn 2020
Professor Mike Shields præsentation om hoste hos børn 2020